our comic develops

Jul 24, 2019

we planned it last weekend a bit

it is hard to tell things the way they happened

on noloa muistaa mitä on oikeasti tapahtunut

haluaisin kertoa paremman version missä reagoin oikein

I worry so much about writing here even if no one hopefully reads this! It feels embarrassing and wrong - what right do I have to post my thoughts without submitting them to hours of hard editing work first? This is not allowed to be fun! There needs to be punctuation and rules! And no one cares about me - I should make long posts about THINGS and FACTS and even if it was just restaurant reviews it would be better because at least I wasn't making myself the center of attention!

Leaving this here anyway because writing here is (one of) the most fun and satisfying and strangely calming thing(s) I've done this summer. I'm here.

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